Tuesday, December 11, 2007


"You're not a parameter I judge myself by"

One simple un-thought statement caused so much pain. And I didnt even realize this until a week after I said it. If I were to justify myself then I would say that I was in tensed because of my exams. But nothing could possibly justify what i said. And he certainly did prove me wrong, He did turn out to be a parameter for me to judge myself by. I never knew that I caused the pain in the first place, but I should have. And the sad part is, that I probably won't learn from this, and I will just go ahead and hurt someone all over again. Is there a way to learn from this kind of thing?
I am apologetic, I do regret. But I don't know how to express this feeling! I don't want to bring it up incase i just go on and say the wrong things and hurt him more, but I do want to make him understand that I stand corrected.

Mistakes are sometimes hard to fix... Words sometimes get stuck in one's mouth... Words sometimes come tumbling out of one's mouth in a rush, too fast to stop, and things are said that are later regretted

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