Tuesday, September 18, 2007


(originally posted on August 13th. I must explain that the issue is not with me. And the problem has not been resolved, but for the sake of continuity, i post it here)

Well, I was reading "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff" and there was a segment on eating disorders. That got me thinking. Why do people not want to eat? I mean, doenst it sound ridiculous, to normal people like me and you. But its horrible that there are people who think they should starve, or worse, throw up, to be thin. ANd there are some people who are basically repulsed by the sight of food. It saddens me that people's lives can be ruined by just not being able to eat food! I think, all of these people need proffesional help... though a lot of them dont know it, and a few know it but cant get it for some reason or the other. and i was wondering, do we have counsellors and stuff for this sort of thing in India, more specifically in b'lore. Cos in all stories based in the US there's always a counsellor and a nutritionist and a gazillion other ppl! but what about here!

Information is wealth,
p.s- opinion needed: if u know a person who's anorexic, would you talk to them about it? confrontation?


Ashwin said...

i am anorexic. [:P]

Kavya said...

what?? i mean, WHAT?? SERIOUSLY????